End of Hummingbird Season Report
As I reflect on our 2024 ruby-throated hummingbird season the word that comes to mind is NUMBERS. Each one important, each one a story of its own yet collectively allows us to continue our hummingbird [...]
Happy 10th Anniversary!
Celebrating a milestone... Happy 10 year anniversary to Southeastern Avian Research!! A decade of exciting research, daily discoveries, establishing warm friendships, working with fabulous volunteers, welcoming hosts and most of all BIRDS!! [...]
2023-2024 Winter Hummingbird Report
The 2023-24 Winter Hummingbird season will conclud on March 15th. So far it has been a slower than normal season for winter hummingbirds in our permitted areas. We had a total of 9 sightings and [...]
Are jelly feeders safe if you feed hummingbirds?
As humans, we naturally want to provide for what we love including wild birds that visit our yards and bring us pleasure. Hummingbirds top that list. By now we hope you know the most important [...]
Winter 2022-23 Hummingbird season recap….
Winter hummingbird season got off to an early start but in the end was slower than the last couple of previous years. The severe cold snap just prior to Christmas also presented challenges for both [...]
2022 Ruby-throated hummingbird season recap….
The 2022 Ruby-throat migration season is coming to a close. The last of the hummingbirds are trickling through and will continue to do so for a few more weeks however our banding season has come [...]
Some exciting news…
A small bit of our research on winter hummingbirds has been published. Check out the article at: https://tnbirds.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/29764-TOS-Migrant-Mar22-r4.pdf
Why am I seeing fewer hummingbirds in my yard….
....is the most received question I've been asked this season. It's a complicated question and not one that has a simple answer. First, one needs to consider the species of hummingbird. Since each has unique [...]
They're back! Our Ruby-throated hummingbirds are returning as I type. I personally have had one since April 3rd...pretty much on time for us. Feeders were up, fresh and waiting for them. For those who are [...]
What’s the best hummingbird feeder??
“What’s the best feeder for hummingbirds?” It’s a question I’m asked all the time. My usual answer is…’the one you can keep the cleanest’. But that’s not what folks truly want to know! Although [...]